Having a clothing strategy for Iran is as important as having flights booked or some sort of accommodation pre-arranged.
It’s just one of the main parts of the planning process. Coming from a non-Islamic country, it can feel daunting to try to nail the right technique of covering yourself up in a proper way.
In this post I’m going to share the strategy that I used for my 2 week trip around Iran. I did quite a lot of research with books (like Lonely Planet – they always know), online resources and other female bloggers’ posts. And in the end, I tested it out!
TravelGeekery is no fashion blog. No pretty poses in the newest fashion trends. But when it comes to travel, we often know what we’re doing! The response to my post about What to Wear in Morocco has been tremendous. So I hope you’ll like this one too :)
Main pieces of clothing for a summer trip to Iran
You might have noticed there’s no post about packing tips here on TravelGeekery. It’s for a reason! I’m still fighting with it myself. Unfortunately I’m hardwired with the mindset that If I don’t need it, I’ll pack it anyway, what if I’ll need it?
But getting there! And the trip to Iran was a great test to my skills.
I chose the following pieces to take on the trip with me:
- 2x long-sleeved T-shirt (of which one was thermo-regulating)
- 2x loose pants
- 1x pair of leggings
- 1x loose long dress
- 1x loose knee-long dress
- 2x tunic
- 3x scarf
- 2 pairs of shoes: sporty trekking sandals & Tom’s
Of these staples, I created over 10 different combinations. Enough to last 2 weeks. Not that you need a different outfit each day, though! I could have easily gotten by with removing (at least) the following items: 1 scarf, leggings, 1 tunic and perhaps even the knee-long dress.
Iran-bound flight – how to dress?
You’re quite free to choose. But out of respect, you should be wearing Iran appropriate clothes already on the flight there. However, it’s enough to put the headscarf on only once you land in Iran.
What needs to be covered in Iran
Generally speaking: no hair, no cleavage, no shoulders or upper arms, no legs above the ankles.
Leggings are ok as long as you have a tunic/dress/shirt covering you up at least to your mid-thighs. If you follow these simple rules, you’ll be fine.
Men have it simpler – they just shouldn’t show their legs and upper arms.
There are, however, many subtle details when it comes to women’s clothing:
Hair: In Tehran and in big cities in the North the rules are slightly more relaxed. You must have the scarf basically just on the top of the head. Your hair can get out in front.
Arms: In most places it’s fine to have lower arms exposed. Just in the more conservative South I recommend that you opt for having your entire arms covered.
Legs: It’s ok if your pants are a tiny bit above the ankles, but don’t let them travel more!
Feet: Good news! You can have your feet exposed! Use this privilege to the fullest, as that’s the only body part that can fully breathe.
Overall, you as a foreigner, are doing enough just by trying. And don’t worry if you don’t get everything right. The friendly locals will most likely warn you before the moral police does.
Did locals stare at me? You bet! But not because I’d wear something inappropriate, more so just because I stood out. And who’s not curious about foreigners in less touristy places? I would be!

Enjoy the freedom to have your feet exposed! I did tremendously (with a thick layer of sunblock, though)
Dealing with heat in Iran
Ok, it’s really hot in Iran in summer (except the mountain peaks). And you might not be used to wearing so much in such heat.
Your secret weapon? Airy fabrics! The baggier the better. Linen, cotton, … all the materials that can breathe are you friend. Stay away from polyester.
Still not enough? Bring with you a refreshing water spray. It works like charm.
How Iranians dress
Iranian ladies typically wear long pants and a tunic or a coat called ‘manteau’ reaching to mid-thighs or knees. And a scarf, of course.
They also usually rely on darker shades of clothing. Elderly ladies do pure black, younger generation throws in more colors. You can often see women with heavy makeup on, as if compensating for the inability to show their hair.
Iranian women are so beautiful! You’ll see also quite a few who’ll wear floral dresses with matching scarves. It’s the nomadic tribe members who wear colorful clothes like that.
Little girls do not have to have their hair covered. They start some time between the age of 9 and 14, so their outfits can vary greatly.
As for men, you’ll again see all kinds of outfits, but the most typical are long pants plus a T-shirt or a button down shirt. They are usually dressed very well. Most of the young Iranian men we met had PhD degrees and wore fitting button downs.

What locals wear: only little girls can wear short dresses, women usually wear big scarfs and tunics or manteaus. You’ll see some black chadors too.

Enjoying views of waterfalls in Ghallat village, with our awesome guide Lili (photo by Slavo Herman)
Don’t let the clothing rules bother you too much and just go explore this amazing country! You won’t believe how beautiful it is and how friendly the locals are. See my other post that I wrote about the country and its people. I was really mesmerized.
And here’s a link straight to the Iran edition of Lonely Planet guidebook for you to check out.
Another good resource I found is a local girl’s guide to dressing up for Iran – see it here.
You’ll have to get ready for a few more things than only clothing. See a full list of Iran tips here.
Have you been to Iran or are you planning to go? Have you already been to an Islamic country where you had to cover up? Let me know in the comments!
Lovely pinners, here are some pins for you :)
Jyoti basu
Monday 20th of January 2020
Your article is an interesting read. Next time I’ll visit I’ll need to spend more time in Tehran.
Is It Safe to Travel to Iran Right Now 2019? | Travel Risk Map|Amazing Iran
Wednesday 27th of November 2019
[…] Wear long pants and a sleeved shirt (or cardigan) that covers your butt. 3/4 length sleeves are fine, and skinny jeans are the norm for young girls in Iran. If you want to dress like a local, “manteaus” are the most popular form of dress for girls in Iran, and can easily be purchased all over the country. If you’re still worried about upsetting the mythical morality police, Travel Geekery put together a post about what to wear in Iran. […]
The female traveler’s code of conduct for Iran | Lost With Purpose
Wednesday 16th of October 2019
[…] Wear long pants and a sleeved shirt (or cardigan) that covers your butt. 3/4 length sleeves are fine, and skinny jeans are the norm for young girls in Iran. If you want to dress like a local, “manteaus” are the most popular form of dress for girls in Iran, and can easily be purchased all over the country. If you’re still worried about upsetting the mythical morality police, Travel Geekery put together a post about what to wear in Iran. […]
How to Travel to Iran for Americans, British and Canadian Citizens. | Soul Travel
Wednesday 8th of May 2019
[…] Sound a bit confusing? For more on what to wear for travel to Iran check out Travel Geekery’s post on what to wear for travel in Iran here! […]
Žofie cz
Saturday 30th of March 2019
Hello Veronika, thank you for this article! It's just great! I've got one question. How much money did you take with you per person for two weeks? I heard that it's unpossible to use european credit cards there. We'd like to go to Iran in the begging of Semptember. Thank you very much for reply :)
Saturday 30th of March 2019
Ahoj Žofi, I think I had like €500 with me, just to be safe. I think that's definitely more than necessary, though. If you take some euros or dollars with you, you can exchange just half of that at the beginning of your trip and once you're close to running out, you can exchange another amount that you'll feel will be enough.
Did you see my other article on the 2-week itinerary? It's here: https://www.travelgeekery.com/iran-itinerary/ I spent €500 in total, but that includes even a domestic flight. The currency has devalued since I went to Iran 4 years ago, so I think things are even cheaper now.
Good luck and enjoy your trip! ;)